There’s two kinds of business owners I see a lot of. They’re not defined by location.Or type of business.Or the clients they work with.Or the prices they charge. They are, instead, either. 1️⃣ following the latest trends in the way of business strategies, or whatever their latest coach or mentor says is essential, or whatever… Continue reading There are two types of business owners. Which are you?
Tag: making business easier
Stop making business decisions from a future you space
There’s something I want to say about something in the coaching industry that bugs me. As a coach of 2 decades. And a consumer of coaching for nearly as long. I’m tired of hearing the following… You have to invest from a “future you” space. So often that space is supposedly one… Continue reading Stop making business decisions from a future you space
When did you last pause to reset and amplify thriving?
Don’t underestimate the value of a pause to reset when you are a self led soul in business! A significant thing I’ve learned in the decades of personal and professional development work I’ve invested in is to honour what I know and trust I need. Last week I had the opportunity to get away with… Continue reading When did you last pause to reset and amplify thriving?
Having a coaching system in my business changed everything for the better
Coaching without a coaching system is a guessing game & is not great for you or your clients. Coaching clients as an OSP without the support of a coaching system, process or framework can be likened to guessing your way through. Which doesn’t bode well for you or your clients. And in those times when… Continue reading Having a coaching system in my business changed everything for the better
I believe coaches should have coaching qualifications and here are some reasons why
I believe coaching training & qualifications are essential for the benefit of clients & coaches and I stand by my belief 100%! I went on to complete a number of coaching trainings and certifications in the ensuing years. And I’ve consistently learned from other coaches who are themselves, qualified in coaching methodology and practice. In… Continue reading I believe coaches should have coaching qualifications and here are some reasons why
When is the best time to work with a coach
When is the best time to hire a business coach is such a brilliant question. Here are 6 ideal times to consider. The “best” time could be when 1. Starting a business: a business coach can help you develop a solid business plan, identify potential challenges and opportunities, and provide guidance on how to launch… Continue reading When is the best time to work with a coach
Sustainable Profit should be your focus!
Your profitability matters more than your turnover in business! This is something I’ve been talking about with my clients a lot. And it needs to be said. When pricing your services here’s 2 mistakes I see over and over again and what’s wrong about each. 1. You compare to those you know in your industry… Continue reading Sustainable Profit should be your focus!
Profitable Wisdom Mastermind – we begin January 30th
Profitable Wisdom is a group coaching experience where the focus is on you amplifying the profitability of your business This experience is 8 months of personalized business support in an intimate group environment to ♾️ completely align your services, your pricing, your ideal client and your marketing to create reliable foundations and accelerate your profitability… Continue reading Profitable Wisdom Mastermind – we begin January 30th
Words for 2023
Choosing a word for the year doesn’t have to be limited to a single word. Here’s what I do I love the idea of choosing a word to encapsulate the theme I intend to live out in the new year. But I don’t choose just one. This multi dimensional soul is a combination of energies,… Continue reading Words for 2023
What are you energetically available for in 2023?
Talking about energetics has been a big trend in the past couple of years in the coaching industry. It’s a valid trend because energy influences everything What are you energetically available for in 2023? I saw this question shared by a few people over the few days around new year and it really jumped out… Continue reading What are you energetically available for in 2023?