In this episode Kerryn and I talk about In this new episode, Shannon chats with Kerryn Slater, a self-discovery coach, licensed Thrive Factor Coach®, and multi-dimensional business soul in the truest way possible. Kerryn shares her experience navigating multiple interests, diverse skills, and a desire to help others to connect with themselves with compassion and… Continue reading Leading a Multi-dimentional Business w/ Kerryn Slater – She Leads She Thrives Podcast Episode 26
Tag: money mindset
Genuine magic of a spiritual business w/ Homaya Amar – She Leads She Thrives Podcast Episode 19
In this episode Homaya and I talk about In this new episode, Shannon talks with the mystical Homaya Amar. This conversation is the sharing of a captivating story that has to be heard to be believed. Homaya has lived a rich life, filled with curious exploration of her own spirituality and sense of place in… Continue reading Genuine magic of a spiritual business w/ Homaya Amar – She Leads She Thrives Podcast Episode 19
Rest your way to business success w/ Laura Dick – She Leads She Thrives Podcast Episode 17
In this episode Laura and I talk about Shannon chats with Laura Dick in this episode about the value of resting your way to success. As a long term business strategist with a gift for systemisation and launching, Laura is a certified period coach. She guides menstruating women to sync their business with their… Continue reading Rest your way to business success w/ Laura Dick – She Leads She Thrives Podcast Episode 17
Brave marketing with a side of smart girl wisdom w/ Swapna Thomas – She Leads She Thrives Podcast Episode 15
In this episode Swapna and I talk about In this new episode, I chat with my fellow smart girl sister in business, Swapna Thomas. We share a love of marketing and cheering our clients to success and as with any conversation we have had, we dive into all kinds of topics that’ll get you and… Continue reading Brave marketing with a side of smart girl wisdom w/ Swapna Thomas – She Leads She Thrives Podcast Episode 15
Instagram, digital nomad life & imposter syndrome w/ Brooke Vulinovich – She Leads She Thrives Podcast Episode 13
In this episode Brooke and I talk about In this new episode, Shannon is joined by one of the most effervescent Instagram Queens you ever will meet, Brooke Vulinovich. With a love of connection and sharing the realities of turning Instagram into a fun, positive and successful business growth experience any business owner will love,… Continue reading Instagram, digital nomad life & imposter syndrome w/ Brooke Vulinovich – She Leads She Thrives Podcast Episode 13
Swagger your way to success w/ Jesika Liston – She Leads She Thrives Podcast Episode 12
In this episode Jesika and I talk about In this new episode, Shannon chats to the energetic, big-hearted, badass soul Jesika Liston about swaggering your way to success. As a coach Jesika has been on her own transformational journey on a personal and business level and has enthusiastically taken her lived experience and created a… Continue reading Swagger your way to success w/ Jesika Liston – She Leads She Thrives Podcast Episode 12
Self awareness amplified + Silent Counselling w/ Sam Evans – She Leads She Thrives Podcast Episode 009
In this episode Sam and I talk about Sam Evans is an enthusiastic soul with a determination to authentically share ways for others to deepen their self awareness, meet their limits, and transform their challenges. As a highly qualified coach, she has a lot to share and has taken her experience and expertise and launched… Continue reading Self awareness amplified + Silent Counselling w/ Sam Evans – She Leads She Thrives Podcast Episode 009
Meeting fear with the Money Mindset mentor w/ Cristina Bold – She Leads She Thrives Podcast Episode 008
In this episode Cristina and I talk about Cristina Bold is like sunshine when she shows up in your social media feed because she radiates a genuine love for what she does and who she works with. In this episode, Cristina and Shannon talk about meeting your fear and rising to be the kind of soul… Continue reading Meeting fear with the Money Mindset mentor w/ Cristina Bold – She Leads She Thrives Podcast Episode 008