This new episode heralds the start of a new series of solo episodes to share with you over the next couple of months. The Thrive Factor Archetypes Business Insights series will explore key business wisdom related to two of the 12 Archetypes in each fresh episode.
In today’s episode, part 1 of the series, we get to know the Mentor Teacher & Shapeshifter Alchemist Archetypes.
For each Archetype in this series, we explore
* The 4 M’s of Momentum for the Archetype, her expression relating to Mindset, Marketing, Money, & Magnetism
* Activation question for the Archetype
* Profitable wisdom focus
* Common fears of the Archetype
* Potential challenges of the Archetype
* Strengths of the Archetype
* Afformations for the Archetypes – ideal for journaling, reflection, & expanding your archetypal relationship
* Archetypal Success Pathway – where to focus your energy & efforts to activate success
* Effortless success zone activation – what to do more of & what to do less of
She Leads She Thrives, the podcast for ambitious, ingenious, impact driven, legacy creating souls is hosted by Shannon Dunn of Thrive Factor Co.
Resources & Links for this episode:
- Tune into episode 16 to hear a high level introduction to all 12 Thrive Factor Archetypes here
- Take the free Thrive Factor Archetype assessment & meet one of your Archetypes here
- Thrive Factor Insights experience
- Thrive Factor Experience + the Experience Amplified, both including 1:1 coaching
In this episode
02:16 Introduction to a new series
04:15 Resources to get to know your Thrive Factor
07:19 The Archetypes being explored in this episode
08:21 Mentor Teacher (MT)
10:47 Mindset
11:50 Marketing
12:45 Money
14:19 Magnetism
15:44 Activation question for MTs
16:32 Profitable Wisdom Focus
19:44 Potential challenges for MTs
25:02 Strengths of the MT
30:41 Afformations for MTs
34:23 Archetypal Success Pathway of MTs
35:13 Do more of, do less of.
37:30 Shapeshifter Alchemist (SA)
40:11 Mindset
40:38 Marketing
43:41 Money
45:22 Magnetism
46:11 Activation question for SAs
46:30 Profitable Wisdom Focus
48:03 Potential challenges for SAs
51:28 Strengths of the SA
53:59 Afformations for SAs
55:40 Archetypal Success Pathway of SAs
56:51 Do more of, do less of
Episode Transcript
She Lead She Thrives, the home of inspired conversations, practical and creative wisdom, expansive leadership and business insights, abundant Bragaudacious moments of celebration and useful info you can actually do something with.
You’ll hear about mindset marketing, money, magnetism, self awareness and the Thrive Factor Framework, it’s Archetypes and more. Amplify your role as a leader, a self led soul. Tap into your effortless success zone. Turn your ingeniousness and wisdom into profitable income streams.
From solo shows to guests you’ll definitely want more from, there’s something for every ambitious ingenious soul.
I’m Shannon Dunn, a true OG of the business coaching space, with an obsession with thriving. You are so welcome here. Let’s dive into today’s episode.
Visit ThriveFactorCo.com/links for all the latest news and offers.
Shannon Dunn 01:57
Hey superstars a huge welcome to episode 42 and the start of something different for six of our upcoming solo episodes. So mostly because I have someone ask me for more information about one or more of the Thrive Factor Archetypes. And this is 100% the place and space to share that kind of wisdom that I’m being asked for.
Shannon Dunn 02:16
So I was chatting with my fabulous business manager in the last couple of weeks about this. Hi Serena. And she was an awesome sounding board to literally sound at how to bring you the Thrive Factor Archetypes Thriving in Business series.
Shannon Dunn 02:27
So together we decided that in each of these focus episodes, I’ll share the insights about two Archetypes. There are as you may be aware 12 in total, so 12 individual solo episodes focusing on ONE at a time would with interspersing our amazing guest conversations take many months to share all 12 Archetypes with you and I don’t want you to have to wait that long to tune into the Archetypes that resonate with you, that you know you have, or you perhaps suspect you have.
Shannon Dunn 02:55
Now I won’t be diving into all details for each Archetype. They literally have their own chapters in my books that are pages long and full of useful detail. But instead I’ll be sharing the highlights or the key highlights and considerations for you as a business soul so that you can expand deep and embody your learning about the Archetypes in focus. I’ve got some awesome reflection questions for each to share with you too. I hear all the time how useful they are when learning more about how to make the most of your Thrive Factor and individual archetypes.
Shannon Dunn 03:26
So before we get any further into today’s episode, let me say hello, officially and share a short intro. I’m Shannon Dunn, host here at She Leads She Thrives. I’m a long term businesses self-leadership coach, like literally at this point in time in 2023. I’ve been 18 plus years in my own business, a couple of decades in the coaching industry. And I have worked with some of the most incredible individuals around the world, predominantly women in business. I’ve worked with men as well. But I really love those impact driven legacy creating creative ambitious women of the world who are here to do something significant on their own terms, they’re what I call the quiet rebels of the world, kind of going about things, sticking to their own lane, doing what works for them, despite all the noise and the influence all around them.
Shannon Dunn 04:15
So also before we start exploring the Mentor Teacher Archetype, which is number one on my list, I want to share a couple of resources with you that relate to this episode, and all of the episodes that are going to come in this series. In fact, at any point in time, if you want to know more about the Archetypes, these are the resources to pay attention to.
Shannon Dunn 04:33
So firstly, if you’d like a high level intro into all 12 Archetypes head to Episode 16 where you can hear exactly that. We will make sure there’s a link in the show notes like we always do for things when we link up other episodes and resources.
Shannon Dunn 04:47
Secondly, if you don’t yet know your threat Archetypes there are a number of ways to connect with them. You could start with a free assessment, so there’s again the link in the show notes to do that. This will confirm one of a possible three to six Archetypes, and it’s an ideal way to whett your Archetype appetite and get to understand one facet of the incredible soul that you are. But if you want to know your Archetypes, like actually know all of them, there are three options to get them confirmed and which you choose is 100% a personal choice always.
Shannon Dunn 05:22
So you can take the assessment, receive a detailed personalized report and insights into a couple of questions to share with me, well answers to a couple of questions you share with me. And I’ll tap into your Archetypes, provide insights of the things that you share at the time. There’s a link again in our show notes to do this to access the Insights Experience.
Shannon Dunn 05:40
But if you want to get the full Thrive Factor Experience, and there are two additional options to do that, which includes coaching sessions with me or coaching time with me, the first is what we actually call the Thrive Factor Experience. This includes the assessment, a detailed personalised report, and a single one on one coaching session with me where we will explore your Archetypes. It’s really a meet your Archetype session and gives you the opportunity to understand your Thrive Factor in more detail.
Shannon Dunn 06:06
And the second option related to the Thrive Factor experience includes coaching sessions, and it’s what we call the Thrive Factor Experience Amplified – a three session experience. The first session, we do will meet your Archetypes. The second is to explore your life, your career, your business, whichever you focus on through the lens of your Archetypes. And the third is to understand the nuances of the relationships between your Archetypes, particularly focusing on the points of harmony and potential disharmony. It’s in this final session, I personally believe that where you’re going to get the most value, it’s all valuable. But this takes things to the next level. Because it’s here where you truly meet yourself and both activate and amplify thriving on your terms, as always the big focus for this work that I do. And you’re now armed with valuable information about yourself that you can’t unlearn. This is where the wisdom comes together and you’re accelerating potential to unlock and harness your Effortless Success Zone.
Shannon Dunn 06:59
So again, there’s a link in the show notes to access any of those. And if you’re interested at any point in time, and you have questions, I’ve shared it before you can reach out to us at hello@thrivefactorco.com and myself and my team are always happy to hear from you, delighted to hear from you. and happy to answer any questions.
Shannon Dunn 07:18
Okay, I bet you’re ready to meet today’s Archetypes. I chose to focus on the Mentor Teacher and the Shapeshifter Alchemist because they are Archetypes I see showing up frequently in their business landscape I spend time in. I would say, without having a exact measure, that 95% of my own clients have the Mentor Teacher, and perhaps about 70% plus percent have the Shapeshifter Alchemist. So knowing them intimately is so valuable when it comes to truly authentically connecting and to both build and expand that know, like, and trust.
Shannon Dunn 07:56
In the future episodes for this series, I’ll tune into my intuition Visionary Creator, or visionary gifts I should say of my Visionary Creator Archetype, and decide which next two Archetypes to share with you. So in time, all 12 will feature in these solo series, no one gets left out. And my choice to begin with a particular couple of Archetypes does not mean I love them or understand them more. These two Archetypal souls have shown up today to be shared with you, so let’s get started with that.
Shannon Dunn 08:21
Okay, time to meet the Mentor Teacher Archetype, through the lens of her influence and impact in business. So, if you’ve heard previous episodes, you may remember that this is one of my four Archetypes. So I have a, you could say a beyond intimate relationship with her. And what I share is both lived and learned experience in terms of teaching or sharing with you, introducing you to the Mentor Teacher in this way through this lens today.
Shannon Dunn 08:47
So if you have the Mentor Teacher as part of your Thrive Factor, or suspect you do, know that she is the wisdom seeker and guide for transformation. I often refer to her as the wisdom woman. So your gifts of wisdom and knowledge give you a natural ability to guide, mentor and teach others. Really, you’re a genuine wisdom woman in the truest sense of that expression.
Shannon Dunn 09:11
So key things to remember about the Mentor Teacher as a high level, this is kind of who she is, things to always know remember. She easily learns new things, adores acquiring knowledge, naturally mentors or teachers, others like can’t help it doesn’t need to have a teaching qualification to do this. It just is who she is. She’s innately wise but can mistrust her wisdom – something to be mindful of. She is a guide for transformation and transition, so a lot of people are drawn to Mentor Teachers when they are going through change.
Shannon Dunn 09:45
She’s protective of her knowledge, her experiences, her students or those that interact with her when she is in a teacher or mentor mode and herself. She can really get caught up in the ego stuff related to knowledge. So be aware that there is possible knowledge related ego stuff that can arise when you’re a Mentor Teacher. But ultimately, she loves to share knowledge and the sharing of what she knows is actually essential to her living, I guess, if you want to call it her soul contract. So when I first started defining the Archetypes in relation to business, I looked at them through the lens of what I refer to as the four M’s of momentum. So mindset, marketing, money and magnetism.
Shannon Dunn 10:33
So at this point, I’m going to share with you the key highlights in relation to those four Ms of momentum for the Mentor Teacher, and then I have some additional information to share with you about this Archetype in relation to business.
Shannon Dunn 10:47
So from a mindset perspective, for the Mentor Teacher, its kind of the energy of like, learn, learn, learn, share, learn, and teach, learn some more, like the flow comes with, though with an equal mix of learning and sharing. And this assists you to feel like you’re contributing and also aiding in relying on and learning to trust your own wisdom, which is super important. Mindset for a Mentor Teacher is such an interesting thing to be, to, to kind of dive into and understand more. There’s a lot of getting an understanding, I know a lot, as I said, not always trusting, I am wise. But also it can sit in a duality of “but I don’t know enough yet”. Right? Since a lot of stuff goes on there from a mindset persepctive and that thinking you don’t know enough the imposter syndrome, the what if someone asked me a question, I don’t have an answer. You know, I don’t have qualifications to prove what I know, is a lot of the mindset stuff that plays out for the Mentor Teacher, stuff to be mindful of for sure.
Shannon Dunn 11:50
From a marketing perspective, for the Mentor Teacher, it really comes down to focusing on education. So you know, educate people, as much as you can, share what you know, but not the learned experiences, the book stuff, the, from the things you’ve learned in the course, what about what you’ve lived through, that is for a lot of the audience for a Mentor Teacher, more valuable to them. As they educate, guide, mentor, support, educate more. Share your knowledge to build credibility and authority, and you’ll be creating a valuable brand others can rely on. So sharing your knowledge and your wisdom by remembering that educating or education is a gift that others value, and engage with effortlessly. So from a marketing perspective, you think about content, I’m going to share some content ideas a little bit further on. But teaching is a key thing for you as a Mentor Teacher.
Shannon Dunn 12:45
From a money perspective, so the third of these four M’s of momentum, investing in knowledge comes naturally to a Mentor Teacher. But you will learn more and make more when you share what you know, freely and fluidly with the intention of everyone learning and growing, no matter your business niche. Like this really is irrelevant of what you do in your business. Learning about money will help you to build a positive relationship with it. But beware the temptation to invest in more training, more learning.
Shannon Dunn 13:12
You know, the question I asked myself having this Archetype is Do I really need to learn more right now? Or do I really need to learn this thing. And many years ago, and I’m grateful for this, so grateful, I was able to come to a place with my learning and my believing I needed to learn more in terms of paying to learn more interesting that if I was really meant to engage with the information that I was considering investing in, that it would the experience, the information, the learning, the program, that whatever, that it will come to me at a more appropriate time. And at just as attractive, say, an investment point as what I was seeing it right now. You know, the money thing is really tied into mindset for a Mentor Teacher of that belief of I don’t know, I don’t know enough, or I can’t prove what I know. So therefore, I’ve got to pay to get evidence to prove what I know, which is just a whole lot of influence, often from an ego perspective, rather than actually the innate wisdom of your Mentor Teacher Archetype.
Shannon Dunn 14:19
So from a magnetism perspective, magnetism being the last of the four M’s of momentum. Trusting in what you know, owning your expertise and experiences. Sharing that expertise in those experiences and valuing it is essential for you. Give away your knowledge, but also expect a return on what you share. And you’ll find your own balance and way that works, so everyone benefits and knowledge is valued. And above all else that wisdom is valued.
Shannon Dunn 14:48
I’ve shared often in different formats, and I have no doubt that I’ve shared it in more than one of these podcast episodes, that I came to a place some time ago where I was able to I understand what wisdom was by a definition, my Liberator Engineer, Mentor Teacher Archetypes working together, like to create definitions of things. And what I came to understand that makes sense to me is that we find a wisdom in the place and space that’s the intersection between our lived and our learned experience and our intuition. So there’s three things there; the lived experience, the learned experience we have and our intuition. When you take the kind of centre point where they all overlap, that’s where we find our wisdom. And for you to own that wisdom woman that you are is the way that you will activate and significantly amplify magnetism as a Mentor Teacher.
Shannon Dunn 15:44
So right now, the first of many questions I’m going to share with you – this is one that I would refer to as an activation question for the Mentor Teacher. So if you’re not sure about where you’re at having the Mentor Teacher Archetypes, if you’re finding yourself thinking you need to invest more in learning, in whatever format and invest doesn’t mean always money, it means time as well.
Then a question to ask yourself and to contemplate and to really explore and to sit with, to journal, to meditate on – whatever works for you. But the activation question for the Mentor Teacher? Where and how am I not trusting what I already know? So let me repeat that for you. Where and how am I not trusting what I already know?
Shannon Dunn 16:32
So some time ago, I included what I refer to as a Profitable Wisdom Focus in a couple of the programs that I’ve run in the past, and that will be coming up again as part of the Easeful Business Brainery. But for the Mentor Teacher, I wanted to share this Profitable Wisdom Focus and some additional things in relation to content ideas as a business woman and potential challenge, and a common Mentor Teacher fear in relation to you showing up as a woman in business.
Shannon Dunn 17:02
But from that Profitable Wisdom Focus, it’s kind of a for Mentor Teacher, where do we start?! You have so much wisdom, it is who you are, you are the sage one of the Archetypes. If you want to look at who knows more, I don’t really necessarily say that the Mentor Teacher knows more than some other Archetypes. But at the same time, I would say she does. Don’t want to contradict myself there. But it’s the wisdom that is the value piece and not the knowing. There are always going to be things that you feel so effortless and called to share and teach. You know them inside out, you don’t need to know more about them.
Shannon Dunn 17:38
So start in that space, in terms of you wanting to really show up as an authentic version of yourself in your genuine space, in your Effortless Success Zone and create potential profitability in your business. The rest, once you have started in that space and focus on what you already know, the rest can and will and I see it happen time and time again in my clients and for myself, will unfold beautifully. So using your other Archetypes to narrow down the selection is a great thing to do as well. If your Mentor Teacher has got a lot of topics she’d like to talk about, that will be influenced by your other Archetypes , 100%, but use your other Archetypes to help you to narrow those down.
Shannon Dunn 18:20
So over the course of introducing you to all the Archetypes you’ll be able to tap in and understand more about how they could work together. As I said, always remember, if you really want to know investing in Thrive Factor Experience or the Thrive Factor Experience Amplified, is going to give you that opportunity in terms of coaching with me.
Shannon Dunn 18:40
But you have a gift for guiding others through personal transformation and transition and the depth and relatability of your wisdom is highly valued. So really it is about from mindset perspective focusing in on owning all of that, on valuing yourself and not letting your ego, your mind, your comparison, your self judgments, your thinking you don’t know enough get in the way.
Shannon Dunn 19:05
So from a content ideas perspective, really anything that is aligned with your products and services where you can demonstrate your depth of wisdom, your lived and learned experiences, is ideal for you when it comes to content. Teaching. You are born to teach. A lot of Mentor Teachers that I have spoken to over all these years I’ve been working with the Thrive Factor Framework and Archetypes, are like “I don’t have a teaching qualification or I’ve never been taught to be a teacher” – you don’t need to. This is how innate the gift of being able to share knowledge with others, share wisdom with others in a way that they can take something valuable useful from that. It’s just so innate in who we are.
Shannon Dunn 19:44
The potential challenge that I often see coming up for a Mentor Teacher is multifaceted. Over delivery of content is a huge one. You’ve got so much to share. You don’t need to share it all. Be discerning about what’s actually irrelevant and feels appropriate and right and is going to truly help those that are learning from you to move forward. But to move forward a few steps, not 100 steps, that’s where the over delivery of stuff. Just because you can doesn’t mean you should, just because you have something to share doesn’t mean it’s actually appropriate in that moment, perhaps it’s more appropriate for someone at the next step of working with you.
Shannon Dunn 20:24
Other challenges that I see coming out imposter syndrome, I’ve mentioned that already, it’s huge for the Mentor Teacher, it’s such a key thing that the Mentor Teacher has a great idea about a program or something she can teach or share. And then within I feel like in no time, there’s this kind of voice that kicks in, or this feeling of, I’m not qualified to teach that, I’m not qualified to share that, let that go. Let that go. Work on your imposter syndrome stuff, if that’s something that is a reality for you.
Shannon Dunn 20:52
Believing you still need to learn more to be taken seriously, or to be valued, is another personal challenge. I’ve kind of talked about this already. You don’t need to learn more. In fact, I would, if that comes up for you, I would drill down more into what you already know. And really honoring that, trusting that, embodying that, being able to be in a space of celebration and trust and be the wisdom woman by owning all of that where you are right now.
Shannon Dunn 21:23
Also, ego and arrogance regarding to how much you know compared to others can be something that shows up regularly for Mentor Teachers. I’ve experienced this. It’s not something that’s common for me, but I do remember times years gone by where there certainly, not that I am someone who kind of is egotistical or arrogant at all, I would never think that. I’ve never certainly had that reflected back to me. But kind of those thoughts that come up like, oh, they don’t know that? How do they not know that? That is a Mentor Teacher thing. Being surprised that other people don’t know what you think is kind of basic information.
Shannon Dunn 21:57
People are so different across the world. We have such different understandings, different knowledge banks, if you want to think about what you know, as a knowledge bank, different wisdom, and being able to shift to a space of curiosity and being like, Oh, that’s interesting they don’t know that. Well, that’s interesting that someone didn’t understand that or, Oh, I wonder why that question gets asked so much. That curious space is so much more useful. And really being the wisdom woman, not the know-it-all that the Mentor Teacher can be.
Shannon Dunn 22:28
So a common Mentor Teacher fear, which is related directly to that imposter syndrome stuff is that “I don’t know enough”. And it can show up as things like “what if I get asked something that I can’t answer” or “I’ll be caught out as a fraud”. Those are common things that I’ve had Mentor Teachers share with me. So that’s a fear to be mindful of, not to let rule you and be kind of in charge.
Shannon Dunn 22:54
And here’s some additional things to be generally mindful off of Mentor Teachers, that over delivering have too much stuff to prove what she knows, is just a sign that you are questioning your own value, and you’re not connected to the wisdom individual or wisdom woman that you are. That you can take recipients, so your clients, from “this is awesome” to “this is too much” quickly, and then they’ll miss the value.
Shannon Dunn 23:19
So the pace at which you can teach and you may expect people to keep up with you can be unrealistic. So really be mindful of that in the way that you’re teaching. Check in with your students, if you want to call them that. But from a business perspective, they’re your clients or your customers, check in and see how they’re going. Don’t make your decision based on someone one person saying it’s too fast, or it’s too slow, get the take of the group or a group of people over time.
Shannon Dunn 23:48
Not owning how much value that she actually has, or know, owning the value of how much you actually know, is something to be mindful of. And the reality that it’s not uncommon for a Mentor Teacher to abandon what she’s doing, leading to low or no sales. So when you’re in the midst of something and that say that little voice kicks in and goes, should you really be teaching this? Do you know enough to do this? What if someone asked you something and you’re not really sure about the answer? Or what if someone asks you for your qualifications – which side note I can’t remember the last time someone asked me for mine. Those kinds of things kicking in can make you go oh, wait a second, I shouldn’t be doing this and abandon what you’re doing, what you’re launching or even what you’re sharing. So just that can have a significant influence on your income. If that’s something that is a pattern for you.
Shannon Dunn 24:40
So it’s not a everyones going to do it because not everyone Mentor Teacher will, we are all influenced by the other Archetypes that we have. We’re not just one linear or single Archetypes. But this is a common patterning that I see showing up in Mentor Teachers, and I’ve done it you know, as a Mentor Teacher, I’m talking as I said earlier from my lived it experience as much as for my learned experience.
Shannon Dunn 25:02
So, when we work with the Thrive Factor Archetypes, there’s a lot of focus on the strengths that you have, on being mindful of the potential challenges that you may have and what to do when they become actualized. But on really intentionally and consciously using the strengths that you have, so I want to share with you now a number of different strengths, there’s quite a big list of things that you could tap into daily. And I’m not suggesting that you tap into all of them every day, but choose one or two, and really work with those on a regular basis until you really feel like you have embodied the strengths that you actually have as a Mentor Teacher.
Shannon Dunn 25:40
So these are in no particular order. They’re not prioritized in any particular way. They are all useful. And when you actively, intentionally, consciously tap into and use your strengths, your Archetypal strengths, you are more likely to open up what we call the Effortless Success Zone in the Thrive Factor world. That is the place where things feel easier, where you really know who you are, you have a beautiful confidence. That’s not arrogant. It’s just you kind of claim your place in the world, in the most beautiful way.
Shannon Dunn 26:14
So Mentor Teacher strengths.
Shannon Dunn 26:15
Your innate, born with wisdom, yeah, is something to tap into. Trusting when you get the sense that you know that you truly do know, because it’s highly like you do – so just trust it, right? Just trust that. Don’t think I need to prove that I know this, just trust that you know.
Shannon Dunn 26:33
Turn your left alone experience into income streams or work opportunities, depending on your career status. If you have a particular body of knowledge and wisdom about something, how can you monetize that? You’re in business, or you’re in a leadership role, make sure you’re making the most of that.
Shannon Dunn 26:53
Next one, celebrate all you know and how valued it all is, because it is. People will come to you because of what you know, that’s just what happens when you’re a Mentor Teacher. So celebrate that, that’s a really cool thing.
Shannon Dunn 27:06
Be the keeper of knowledge that you are, but share it abundantly so a broader community can benefit. Sometimes I see situations where a Mentor Teacher knows so much about something, and she keeps it all to herself. So that keeper of knowledge thing can be so boundaried. And that’s usually related to fear. You know, let’s face it fear and ego, but be that keeper, but share it abundantly. And that doesn’t mean giving it all away for free either. There’s a fine line that you will learn as a Mentor Teacher, if you’re not sure how to do that, this is where people like myself can come and support you from a coaching perspective, to understand how to find that, that space for you where there is that beautiful balance and alignment between sharing what you know, and being paid for what you know.
Shannon Dunn 27:50
The next strength that I want to share with you is believe the knowing you have without questioning how you know. This amplifies your trust in what you know so much. And it’s such a valuable experience for you and for others. Celebrate being approached to guide and mentor others. Yeah, every time someone reaches out to me with a question or to teach something in a formal or informal format, I celebrate that. It is the recognition of my Mentor Teacher Archetype. And instead of some of the past experiences or responses I would have had like “why are they asking me” or “I don’t know that” or “I’m not qualified” or “I’m not the right person to teach or share that”. No, let all that go right, celebrate being approached to guide and mentor others.
Shannon Dunn 28:30
Focus on reward for your teachings – financial and opportunity. So rewards can come in many different ways. But be focused on actually receiving rewards for your teaching. It’s just part of who you are. When you feel the call to share something that you know, just share it. This is a nudge to be the Mentor Teacher you are. If you also have the Inspirer Believer Archetype, often that nudge to share something, that feeling called to share something is also driven by your Inspirer Believer who has been inspired by something, just share that, go with the flow on that one.
Shannon Dunn 29:06
Read a book, listen to a podcast, learn something and then do something with that. Yeah, I often share if I’ve listened to a podcast or reading a book, or I’ve listened to a training and I get an insight or something that feels really important to share, whether it’s directly related to my focus in my business at the time or the program I’m launching or whatever it is. That’s irrelevant. If this feels important, trust that instinct and share it. Yeah. Don’t just keep it all in your notes. Mentor Teachers the big note takers, so I know that they’ve often got lots of notebooks, journals, notes on their phones.
Shannon Dunn 29:40
Research when you desire to know more, but focus on integrating that knowing as a priority so it becomes embodied and amplified in its usefulness. And so many Mentor Teachers, gather information and don’t do anything with it. I’ve had some very fun in many regards, conversations with Mentor Teachers over the years where there’s been like, I remember one particular client said, like, she used to come to coaching sessions. And she’s like, I’ve got a confession to make. And the confessional was around how many resources, guides, programs, things she had signed up for, since we last chatted. And whenever that happened for her, it would happen in cycles. It was a sign that she wasn’t trusting what she knew, that she wasn’t actually acting on the investment she’d made of time money and all that other things, and she wasn’t integrating the knowing, the learning and really understanding the wisdom that she had to add to that. So that’s something to be really mindful of.
Shannon Dunn 30:41
So I said, I was going to share a whole lot of questions with you that were related to the Archetypes . And the way I’m going to do this is by sharing afformations, that’s not affirmations, it’s a very different style. An affirmation, you may be aware of this, I’ll share it quickly anyway, is a statement of something we want to be our truth, whereas an afformation is a question. And by questioning ourselves, rather than making a statement about something that may not yet be true, turning that into a question opens up a different part of our brain. And it helps us to set out our brain, our mind, our thought processes, our ego as well, on our path to find answers to those solutions. So I find afformations so much more useful than affirmations.
Shannon Dunn 31:30
So I’ve gotten a whole lot of questions here, in the form of afformation to share with you that are directly related to the Mentor Teacher. So let me go through them. If you want a copy of these, the transcript of the episode is always available on my blog, and we link that into the show notes. So that’s an easy place for you to find it. So questions in the form of afformations.
Shannon Dunn 31:54
- What if it is safe for me to trust I am knowledgeable?
- Imagine, it is safe for me to share what I know without needing to know more?
- What if I got paid abundantly for my lived and learned experience?
- Imagine if my knowledge was welcomed by so many grateful people?
- What if I actually was born wise?
- Imagine if my wisdom was something I could trust and rely on?
- What if the transitions I go through are added knowledge and wisdom others will value learning?
- Imagine if I didn’t need any more qualifications?
- What if I know more than I believe I do?
- Imagine if I was truly a wisdom woman of the world?
- And what if I trusted my wisdom and my first instinct was always right for me and my students, my clients, my community?
Shannon Dunn 33:00
Afformations are great for challenging yourself when you find that your mind and your beliefs may be not in support of your Archetype. They are great as journal prompts, as reflections to use in visualization and meditation, whatever works for you. There the ways that I tend to work with them. And sometimes it’s just saying it out loud and just challenging myself when something is coming up. I’m like yeah, this is not really where I want to be. This is not me honoring and owning who I am as this particular Archetype, the Mentor Teacher in this regard.
Shannon Dunn 33:36
Okay, before we get to Shapeshifter Alchemist, I have a couple of additional things I want to share specifically about the Mentor Teacher. These are pieces of information again that I’ve included in different programs in more detail, but I wanted to share the highlights of these because I feel they’re useful in talking about or introduce you to the Mentor Teacher as a business individual. The first one is the Archetypal Success Pathway for the Mentor Teacher she activated amplifies thriving when she embodies her Thrive Factor Success Pathway of self wisdom. Yeah, as a knowledge-led soul she filters everything through that lens of her innate wisdom and lived and learned experience. She’s a knowledge and wisdom keeper here to be a conduit between what others desire to know and experience, and the sharing of opportunities to do just that.
Shannon Dunn 34:23
So when you’re looking at your Archetypal Success Pathway, you want to activate that self wisdom daily. For the external opportunities together knowledge are always going to be abundant for you. You’re a knowledge seeker, you have almost unquenchable thirst for knowledge. But yet the true Effortless Success Zone is unlocked when you tap into your wisdom as a priority. I’ve shared that a few times now, I hope that’s really sunk in for you if you resonate with this archetype.
Shannon Dunn 34:48
The Mentor Teacher truly thrives when she gives herself the opportunity to share her wisdom, influenced by her gathered knowledge. She’s able to activate her Effortless Success Zone in a number of different ways, and I look at activating your Effortless Success Zone, through two lenses the “what to do less of” and “what to do more of”. So I’m going to share those with you now to wrap up for the Mentor Teacher.
Shannon Dunn 35:13
In terms of what to do less of as a Mentor Teacher to activate your effortless success. So do less over delivering with too much content, do less being too clever for your own good, do less judging others knowledge, thinking that you need to learn more is another thing to do yourself. And to activate your Effortless Success Zone, I’d do more of tuning into your inner wise woman celebrating your experience and expertise, teaching in your business, and being the role model that others see you as and trusting your intuition around all of this.
Shannon Dunn 35:47
So Mentor Teachers, if any of that resonated with you, if you’ve had some a-ha moments, you’re like, Oh, I got a list now things I’m going to stop doing or I can explore more, things that I can do more of or keep doing or I just had a big a-ha moment, big insight. Reach out, tell me, let me know, I’m always open to receiving DMs, particularly on Instagram is the place where I spend most time from a social media perspective. I’ve also just joined Threads, which is the kind of the one people likening it to Instagrams version of Twitter. But you can find me on lots of different places, and my links to connect with me are always in our show notes. I’d love to know, you know, how is your Mentor Teacher? How’s your relationship with your Mentor Teacher? What are you going to do with her moving forward?
Shannon Dunn 36:36
Okay, so we’ve got a moment now. Just to, I want you to really, if you’ve just listened to the Mentor Teacher, like yeah, she’s me, she’s me. I just want you to sit there in a space. So you might want to pause the podcast if you can. And to really visualize yourself as a wisdom woman. What does that mean to you? Yeah, here’s like a little kind of bonus thing to do before we talk about the Shapeshifter Alchemist.
Shannon Dunn 37:07
Okay, so if you paused you’re back, right, if you have kept going fabulous as well. You may not have recognized or resonated with a Mentor Teacher, highly unlikely if you’re in this space with me because as I said, 95% plus of the women that end up in some capacity of my community, in all different ways, have the Mentor Teacher Archetype.
Shannon Dunn 37:30
But less of the women that I know you and work with and love to connect with have the Shapeshifter Alchemist, you know, that 70% say, it’s very anecdotal, but you know, is enough that it’s it shows up as a reasonably frequent archetype, but it’s certainly not the most common archetype that I see in my community, but still a valuable archetype to share and the Mentor Teacher and Shapeshifter Alchemist often show up together in an individual’s profile. So there’s some alignment between these two Archetypes, also some challenge and disharmony that can arise which is a reality for every combination of Archetypes.
Shannon Dunn 38:04
But the Shapeshifter Alchemist, she’s what I call the magic woman, the magic soul, the mystical evolutionist, you have a gift for creating magical experiences and this draws others to with the greatest of ease. Owning your magical mystical presence in the world is your superpower when you have the Shapeshifter Alchemist archetype.
Shannon Dunn 38:24
So key things, traits if you like or things to remember about the Shapeshifter Alchemist, this is an Archetype where you’re flexible, adaptable, versatile, she needs variety, like there’s no question about that. Doing the same thing over and over again, is soul destroying for a Shapeshifter Alchemist. She’s a natural performer. And now this is an interesting thing in some Shapeshifter Alchemist have challenged me on this, because I can come across sometimes again, depending on the other archetypes as seemingly to be shy. But she is often a natural performer and being on stage in some format is often her comfortable place. The reason for that is because she’s playing a role, she’s not actually herself. So that’s where that comes in.
Shannon Dunn 39:06
So not every Shapeshifter Alchemist is going to go and join the local theatre club. But a lot of them have done things like that in the past, or have different roles that they play in their life where they are performing. You have an incredible ability to manifest when focused and I’ll talk more about that as we go further into the Shapeshifter Alchemist. You’re colurful, magical, you’re intriguing and mysterious. You can be whimsical and hard to grasp the sense of who you are, which often Shapeshifter Alchemist love that. And yet from a business perspective, how that can show up is that you can struggle with visibility. And that’s not always a fabulous thing. When you are trying to build that know, like, trust and trying to really engage and create that authentic presence in the world. But know that for you as a Shapeshifter Alchemist if you resonate with this Archetype – magic is grounding. That can sound very counterintuitive to others. that don’t have this Archetype but you get that completely.
Shannon Dunn 40:04
Okay, so let’s look at the four M’s and momentum again; mindset, marketing, money and magnetism in relation to the Shapeshifter Alchemist.
Shannon Dunn 40:11
From a mindset perspective, really working with the magical part of you, the mysterious, the flexible, the adaptable, the fluid part of you, the in-flow part of you, is incredibly important for you to really support your mindset, you’re able to hold your ground in any situation. And knowing that visibility is and can be completely safe and even fun is going to help you from a mindset perspective significantly.
Shannon Dunn 40:38
When it comes to marketing as a Shapeshifter Alchemist, you want to show who you are, you want to share and show your adaptability, and your many different faces. Now you take on a variety of related roles as it is important to be visible, and to be you in all of your forms. So you are likely to have many different things you do in your business, I see a lot of women in the healing and supporting other space, having the Shapeshifter Alchemist, where they have qualifications, particularly if they’re Mentor Teachers as well, in a wide number of different modalities. You want to let people know who you are, and give them insights into the variety in which you have other different variety of things that you have to offer. We can go – not in this episode -but one of the things I do frequently with my Shapeshifter Alchemist clients, is work with them to understand how to actually bring those multi-modal focuses into a way or an offer a service, a program, a solution, where your clients can actually understand what it is you actually do, the transformation that you can create for them.
Shannon Dunn 41:50
Rather than you focusing, which is often what happens for Shapeshifter Alchemists on promoting all the different things you do. That is not necessarily going to resonate with your ideal clients, they may be like, Well, I’m not really sure what if all of these services, they know they want to work with you. But what are all these different things that you’ve got available, I’m not really sure where to start. So it’s a very specific thing that I do with Shapeshifter Alchemists that creates a sense of freedom and ease for you, and also for your clients to pay you.
Shannon Dunn 42:22
So you want to be really consistent with your message and the solutions you promote. And that doesn’t mean doing the same thing over and over again, because that is not something that is going to work for you at all. But consistency on your message is an incredibly important part of you building a reliable, trustworthy brand. And you can still do that and have variety, fun and playfulness.
Shannon Dunn 42:44
You want to share how you use magic to support your clients with the most divine products and services that also support them to transform and change from one thing or state into another. And when I use the word magic, I’m not alluding to a particular definition of any kind. As a Shapeshifter Alchemist, you will have a sense of what magic means to you and what is your magic. I want you to hone in on that and explore that more. It’s also going to support your mindset so that you understand what your magic is.
Shannon Dunn 43:12
And I know like a client I worked with recently she’s actually referring to the services and the way she delivers things in her business as her business magic and that is such a beautiful Shapeshifter Alchemist thing. She’s really owned what she knows, she’s owned the variety that she brings. She’s owned the transformation and the use of the word magic and looking at all the things she does in her business and the way she works with the clients and the experience they have, the results they get is her magic and it’s such a beautiful thing to say.
Shannon Dunn 43:41
So money for a Shapeshifter Alchemist, manifesting is one of your core gifts, in fact, shows you to help us manifest like no other Archetype. Other Archetypes have the manifesting gift, but not like a Shapeshifter Alchemist. So the word Alchemist actually alludes to the manifesting. And when I talk about manifesting, I’m talking about your ability to turn your thoughts, your words, your feelings, your beliefs, your behaviors into your reality very, very quickly. Because that’s what usually happens, often at hyperspeed for a Shapeshifter Alchemist.
Shannon Dunn 44:13
So you want to be mindful of your thoughts, your beliefs, your words, your actions, so that you can create what you really want. You can turn ideas into positive money flow when you want to. Exploring that, playing with that, being fun with it, being magical with it, is going to help you from a money perspective. Magic is essential for you to support all kinds of mindset, particularly your money mindset. Money could have the same visibility challenges as other aspects for you. Because visibility is a key thing for Shapeshifters. It’s one of the things that can often show up as a negative thing or a really activated or I should say actualized challenge for a Shapeshifter Alchemist, in that there are so many different parts of you. There are so many different roles that you play in the world. Sometimes you can get a little bit lost, get become uncertain about which part of you you want to share, become overwhelmed quite quickly, and find that just kind of hiding and morphing into the background, being the chameleon, it feels actually safer for you and more like it’s okay. But you know what, it’s not going to serve you, it’s not going to serve anybody else.
Shannon Dunn 45:22
Which leads me to magnetism, the fourth of the four M’s momentum, your magic is the magic you create for yourself and others. So accepting the magical being you are and investing time to ground yourself as a Shapeshifter Alchemist is so important when it comes to magnetism. This is one of the Archetypes that innately has magnetism turned on all the time, you don’t often realize that but it is it’s one of the most magnetic archetypes when we look at magnetism of all 12 Thrive Factor Archetypes. Now, the whole magnetism activation could start with you choosing to actively use the strengths of your other Archetypes, and welcoming magic into your day every day. You know, how could this feel more magical? Where’s the magic in this? How can I work magic into my day to day? All great exploration things to consider?
Shannon Dunn 46:11
So the activation questions for the Shapeshifter Alchemist.
Shannon Dunn 46:14
How can I allow myself to be seen or to be visible? Use whatever term works for you. How can I allow myself to be seen? Or how can I allow myself to be visible? is a real important question to ask yourself as a Shapeshifter Alchemist.
Shannon Dunn 46:30
So let’s move on to the Profitable Wisdom Focus. This is bringing it more in depth around business. As I shared your whimsical, mystical, magical magnetic woman, you create fascination others simply by being you don’t ever deny that. You want to be the guide others are seeking to connect with their spiritual natures aspects. A lot of individuals out there have a lot of things they’re interested in, but they don’t necessarily talk about those with other people. But Shapeshifter Alchemists have a gift for bringing that kind of stuff to light. In the most beautiful ways.
Shannon Dunn 47:07
As I’ve shared, you have a gift for manifestation. So let that become the power it truly is. And share it with others. Talk about what you’re manifesting, talk about what your focus is right now. Own your chameleon in your enigma presence, but in a way that you do it where you’re visible, where you’re not letting them take control and blending you into the background where no one can connect with you, see you, engage with you, know who you are and what you have to offer.
Shannon Dunn 47:31
When it comes to content ideas for a Shapeshifter Alchemist, anything that’s aligned with your products and services, where you can demonstrate your magic is what to focus on. Share the things you do to support a magical existence in the world. You know, things like rituals, observations of natural cycles, the way you connect with people, the various roles you play in the world. That’s all part of I would say your magic. And as I said, other people are incredibly fascinated, particularly by those that they can’t quite work out. So this is where you can let that enigma status, that mysterious woman come to life.
Shannon Dunn 48:07
Potential challenges that can show up frequently in business for Shapeshifter Alchemist, a lack of focus. You’ve literally just got too many things that you’re doing or you’re interested in, or that you know, or that you’re experiencing or you love. Yeah, so being able to focus down not on one thing, but on a smaller number of things, is going to support you.
Shannon Dunn 48:30
Second guessing yourself because often for Shapeshifter Alchemist “I don’t really know who I am right now in this moment”, so that can lead to second guessing. Hiding or visibility issues or challenges or just keeping yourself back is a big potential challenge that I see frequently actualized in the Shapeshifter Alchemist. I’ve talked a little bit about what to do about that and how to support yourself to be more visible in a way that works for you and feels supportive and you know, if you dare to use or want to use it, the word safe.
Shannon Dunn 48:57
Uncertain of who you are for fear of having to stick to one thing, or feeling bored or being consistent is a big challenge that I see actualized frequently for Shapeshifter Alchemists. You don’t have to stick to one thing. One of the biggest business myths that I see still touted is that you have to niche down to one narrow focus. You don’t. And for Shapeshifter Alchemists that goes against everything that you stand for and who you are in the world, even though you have other Archetypes. So don’t try to do that. It’s going to hold you back in so many ways. You can certainly get bored quite easily with this Archetype. The other Archetype that tends to have a more amplified version of boredom, gets bored faster is also the Pioneer Seeker. So those two Archetypes are the ones that are more prone to experience boredom.
Shannon Dunn 49:02
But consistency for a Shapeshifter Alchemist just feels bland just feels it does feel boring. But understand what consistency means. Consistency is not following some instruction that you were given that you have to do certain number of things a set number of times, a certain number times a day or week. It is showing up on a interval that works for you. Yeah, that’s really how I define consistency.
Shannon Dunn 50:13
A common Shapeshifter Alchemist fear, “I never find my thing and be able to focus” or “being visible isn’t safe”, or “focusing on one thing isn’t going to work for me”. They’re fears that are really, really huge for many Shapeshifter Alchemists. One or a combination of those. I’ve talked to you about some of the ways to work with them. I’m going to talk to you now about other things to be mindful of, and then talk about the strengths that you could tap into support you with those.
Shannon Dunn 50:39
So other things to be generally mindful of that you are the ultimate manifester. Honor and celebrate that and use it to bring your vision and everything that you’re creating, including the way you price things to life. Consistency and visibility are possible for you. So support yourself from a mindset and energetics perspective to show up and to be seen in a way that makes sense to you.
Shannon Dunn 51:00
Permission work is key when it comes to your relationship with things like money and marketing. Give yourself permission to do those things. Particularly if you also identify as an incredibly spiritual soul. You may find that your relationship with money, with marketing, with being in business can be challenging at times. So some permission work and whatever that looks like for you. I’m not going to go into examples of that right now. If you want to find out more about that reach out to me, I’m happy to answer any questions as always.
Shannon Dunn 51:28
Shapeshifter Alchemist strengths to tap into. As I said daily, choose the ones that work for you that feel most exciting to you and work with a couple of them each day.
Shannon Dunn 51:38
Flexibility and adaptability are superpowers to be trusted and used actively.
Shannon Dunn 51:43
Tap into your magic daily. So I often will say to the Shapeshifter Alchemist start your day with, “what can I do? Or what will I do that feels magical today?”
Shannon Dunn 51:52
Let your magic guide and ground you in whatever way it may do that.
Shannon Dunn 51:56
Rituals are so important for Shapeshifter Alchemists. So tap into whatever rituals you do or explore some more ones that you haven’t maybe tried or wanted to try and haven’t done so.
Shannon Dunn 52:07
Share your magic with your community. You know, they’ll love you for it, and it will amplify your magnetism.
Shannon Dunn 52:12
I’ve literally just seen a client I’ve worked with recently do this. Really own and celebrate her Shapeshifter Alchemist above the other four Archetypes that she has. And she’s not denying or ignoring the others but she’s really fully stepped into her Shapeshifter Alchemist. And her business is just thriving. It’s just like her client numbers, her signups or income – amplified. There’s so many beautiful ways.
Shannon Dunn 52:36
Practice feeling safe being seen. So this may be exploring what safety means to you, or how do you know you feel safe? what is required for you to feel safe? for you to be able to be seen. This is the visibility piece.
Shannon Dunn 52:51
Another strength is be motivated by the possibility and potentiality that comes with being seen and visible in your work or your business.
Shannon Dunn 52:58
Hold space for others to explore and celebrate their magic as well. They don’t need to have the Shapeshifter Alchemist. I still celebrate my magic and I don’t have this Archetype, we’ve all got our own version of magic, it’s just the Shapeshifters have an inner amplified way and have ability to connect others within magic and effortless ability I should add.
Shannon Dunn 53:17
Celebrate all your magical ways and different views and experiences as much as others do, because people will be celebrating that. You’ve got to own it.
Shannon Dunn 53:24
Your ability to manifest is unrivaled. So be conscious of what you think, you say, you feel and you do – it’s all influencing your reality all the time.
Shannon Dunn 53:33
Tap into the grounding energies of your other Archetypes, if you feel ungrounded with your Shapeshifter, and own your gifts as an Alchemist. That really is a superpower.
Shannon Dunn 53:43
The way I have always viewed an alchemist or someone who has an alchemical gift is that you have an ability to turn something that maybe on the outside or previously would have been perceived as having seemingly little or no value into incredible value and wealth. Such a cool thing.
Shannon Dunn 53:59
Okay, so you may remember for the Mentor Teacher, I shared some afformations. So I’m going to share some with you specifically for the Shapeshifter Alchemist. Again, as I mentioned earlier, great for journaling, for reflection, for conversation. Great things even add into your content, ask your community.
Shannon Dunn 54:19
- What if it is safe for me to be seen?
- Imagine if it was safe for me to share my magic.
- What if sharing my magic was actually my magnetism?
- Imaginary if there was a welcoming community waiting for me to show up as a magical woman I am.
- What if my gift for evolution and transformation was needed?
- Imagine if my experiences of personal transformation was highly valued.
- What if I could effortlessly hold space for others to experience their magic?
- Imagine if I celebrated my magic?
- What if I could genuinely connect with others because I truly know what it could be like to walk in their shoes?
- Imagine if my unique magic was actually needed in the world.
- What if I could use my manifesting gift in every area of my life or work for positive gain?
- And what if the magic I have to offer the world is the only thing I need to show up and do?
Shannon Dunn 55:20
Have fun with those Shapeshifter Alchemists. They’re great. And if you haven’t resonated with this Archetype at all, still use those. I think the afformations that I share for all the Archetypes can be useful for all of us, no matter what our Archetype or Thrive Factor actually is. Okay, so a couple more things to share with you before we wrap up for today’s episode.
Shannon Dunn 55:40
The first one is the Archetypal Success Pathway for the Shapeshifter Alchemist. As a woman with this Archetype you activate and amplify thriving when you embody your Thrive Factor Success Pathway of self transformation. So as the mystical and magical soul who desires flexibility, and can adapt to any situation your intuitive, connected spiritually and able to easily create magical experiences for yourself and others. And when you filter everything through the lens of magic and transformation, that’s where that is amplified.
Shannon Dunn 56:09
So activate magic each day in whatever way feels truly expansive, connected, safe, mystical and magical, as this is important grounding that also offers untold benefits and will be magnetic to others. The Shapeshifter Alchemist truly thrives when she gives herself the magic she craves and when she’s considered about her thoughts or words or feelings and her actions, her gift of manifesting means these all become her reality quickly. That includes everything. If you want to look at the good and bad, if you want to use those labels, everything can come to life for you very quickly. So to activate your Effortless Success Zone you may remember for the Mentor Teacher I talked about the things to do less of and the things to do more of this is not a definitive, all encompassing list. These are the key things I would focus on.
Shannon Dunn 56:51
So do less of;
questioning who you are, of evolving for the sake of it, of allowing, boredom, or bright shiny stuff to be the better of you, or hiding when things feel too much. Do less of those to activate your Effortless Success Zone.
Shannon Dunn 57:05
And do more of;
believing in your magic, owning your power to manifest, being clear and intentional about what you want, creating magical experiences for yourself and others. Do more of that all the time. And you will find that your Effortless Success Zone is something that becomes a regular and consistent reliable space for you.
Shannon Dunn 57:26
So, Shapeshifter Alchemist if you resonate with this Archetype, you find her appealing, you probably can identify some of your friends and your business colleagues or community as Shapeshifter Alchemist women. It really does come down to magic in whatever that looks like for you from a definition perspective. Have fun with this. Its a very fun and playful Archetype. And I often find that when Shapeshifter Alchemists are swayed by the other Archetypes they have and are too serious that the magic is lacking. And we, we being the rest of the world, are craving the magic that you bring. Bring it like seriously just bring it.
Shannon Dunn 58:06
Okay, we’ve come to the end of the introduction to these two Archetypes and looking at them at higher levels through the lens of you being a businesswoman. So, as a wrap up for day, as always superstar wise soul, I want you to remember that you were born to thrive and to go out there follow your dreams, your visions, your ambition, your desires, whatever they are. To lead your life and your business with ease and spaciousness. You are already a leader, a self-led soul, that you are making waves, you’re creating impact and legacy. And I believe in this reality for you and for all of us.
Shannon Dunn 58:40
And as I often say know that if you don’t yet sense of possibility and potentiality all around you. I’ll hold that space for you, I’ll hold it for all of us. I want you to have the best week celebrate you all you are, all you’re creating, all you’re sharing, and I’ll be back next week. I’m excited to be back with a new guest episode. We try to intersperse guest episodes with our solo episodes. And you’re gonna love the conversation guest I have to share with you. She has built the most amazing community of women in business and epitomizes the Networker Connector Archetype so fabulously, so I look forward to sharing that with you in next week’s episode. Have an amazing week.
Thank you
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