The Thrive Factor Archetypes Business Insights series explores key business wisdom related to two of the 12 Thrive Factor Archetypes in each episode.
In today’s episode, part 4 of the series, we get to know the Visionary Creator and the Heroine Adventurer Thrive Factor Archetypes.
The Visionary Creator is the futuristic creatrix. A strategic soul, she has a gift for seeing and knowing what’s possible and the creative gifts to bring that possibility and potentiality to life in the present moment. A relatively rare Archetype, she’s here to support you to tap into your brilliance, learn to trust it, and build a relationship with patience as you take action to bring your own visions and desires to life. She is naturally entrepreneurial, insightful, wise, and capable.
The Heroine Adventurer is the fierce warrior woman of the Thrive Factor Archetypes. With a strong independence, fierce focus, and determined, tenacious nature she sets her sights on what she wants and goes after it, often to the detriment of her self-care. She is a nature and animal lover and nature is her tonic to all that fierce focus and action taken to achieve. She can come across as competitive and it is important for her to build a relationship with the softer, feminine parts of her energy and persona.
Resources & Links:
- Tune into episode 16 to hear a high level introduction to all 12 Thrive Factor Archetypes here
- Part 1 of the series featuring the Mentor Teacher and Shapeshifter Alchemist Archetypes can be listened to here
- Part 2 of the series featuring Advocate Rescuer and Inspirer Believer Archetypes can be listened to here
- Part 3 of the series featuring Pioneer Seeker and Mediator Diplomat Archetypes can be listened to here
- Take the free Thrive Factor Archetype assessment & meet one of your Archetypes here
- Thrive Factor Insights experience
- Thrive Factor Experience + the Experience Amplified, both including 1:1 coaching
- Connect with key resources and the episode transcript here.
3:23 Resources to get to know your Thrive Factor
7:39 Visionary Creator (VC)
13:05 Mindset
14:06 Marketing
14:50 Money
16:24 Magnetism
16:44 Activation question for VCs
17:07 Profitable Wisdom Focus
19:57 Potential challenges for VCs
21:41 Strengths of the VC
24:27 Afformations for VCs
26:08 Archetypal Success Pathway of VCs
27:09 Do more of, do less of.
29:57 Heroine Adventurer (HA)
32:32 Mindset
32:51 Marketing
33:22 Money
33:51 Magnetism
34:25 Activation question for HAs
34:53 Profitable Wisdom Focus
35:50 Potential challenges for HAs
37:45 Strengths of the HA
39:24 Afformations for HAs
40:22 Archetypal Success Pathway of HAs
41:13 Do more of, do less of.
Episode Transcript
She Lead She Thrives, the home of inspired conversations, practical and creative wisdom, expansive leadership and business insights, abundant Bragaudacious moments of celebration and useful info you can actually do something with.
You’ll hear about mindset marketing, money, magnetism, self awareness and the Thrive Factor Framework, it’s Archetypes and more. Amplify your role as a leader, a self led soul. Tap into your effortless success zone. Turn your ingeniousness and wisdom into profitable income streams.
From solo shows to guests you’ll definitely want more from, there’s something for every ambitious ingenious soul.
I’m Shannon Dunn, a true OG of the business coaching space, with an obsession with thriving. You are so welcome here. Let’s dive into today’s episode.
Visit ThriveFactorCo.com/links for all the latest news and offers.
Shannon Dunn 01:15
Hey there superstars. Welcome to a new episode number 49. And it’s also the fourth in our Thrive Factor Archetype Business Insight Series. If you’d like to catch up on previous episodes in this series, you can tune into Episode 42, where I shared the Mentor Teacher and Shapeshifter Alchemist with you. Episode 44 featured the Advocate Rescuer and Inspirer Believer and then episode 47 was where we focused on the Pioneer Seeker and Mediator Diplomat. All these episodes have been super popular, so be sure to listen and tap into all of this Archetypal wisdom that’s been shared.
Shannon Dunn 01:53
Now with our 50th episode next week, I’m currently finalizing the topic for that. It’s been challenging. I’ll be honest with you, because there’s always so many things that I can share and want to share. And also we have our first birthday celebration the first week of October, which is coming up very, very fast. Now that we are into September. And it’s shaping up nicely and I can’t wait to share these episodes with you. If you’re not all already automatically downloading the episodes each week for She Leads She Thrives, be sure to set that up so you never miss an episode.
Shannon Dunn 02:25
Okay, let’s shift into today’s episode. As I’ve previously shared in this series of focus is on sharing with you key highlights and considerations for you as a business soul, so that you can expand and deepen and embody your knowledge about the Archetypes in focus. If you’re new around here, welcome. Delighted to have you here. I’m Shannon Dunn. And your host here at She Leads She Thrives. This week, excited to focus on the Visionary Creator and Heroine Adventurer Archetypes. But first I will quickly share a few resources related to the Thrive Factor Archetypes. Now you can hear a high level intro to all 12 Archetypes in Episode 16 of the podcast – that’s going back away now. But that’s the place to go. We’ll link this in the show notes so that you can actually see easily where to go and listen to that episode. And I can see from the downloads for this each time we share one of the episodes in this series that many of you are going back and listening. That’s so fabulous. So thank you for that.
Shannon Dunn 03:23
If you don’t yet know your Thrive Factor Archetypes, there’s a number of ways to connect with them. You can start with a free assessment. There’ll be a link in the show notes for that. And this will confirm one of the possible three to six Archetypes, it really is an ideal way to get started. There are 12 Archetypes in the entire series. But we genuinely truly have between three and six in our own profile. I personally have four. I profile clients that have got anywhere between that three and six and honestly occasionally, a rare seven. But there’s such a small number of women in the world that I’ve profiled in the Thrive Factor coaches a profile that have seven. So we say generally three to six, which is quite a lot. Because you know, we’re not linear individual, or we are individual – we’re not linear, a single focus single kind of Archetypal souls. We are multi-dimensional no matter what the combination of our Archetypes are.
Shannon Dunn 04:14
Now, if you want to be 100% confirmed in your Archetypes, there’s three options for that. You can invest in the Thrive Factor Insights where you take the assessment that is all online receive a detailed personalized report and insights into a couple of questions that you can ask. And I’ll tap into your Archetypes, provide insights to those questions and again link in show notes for you to tap into that.
Shannon Dunn 04:36
The second and third involves one on one coaching with me. The first one is the Thrive Factor Experience, as I said offers two options. So the Thrive Factor Experience you get a one on one session and coaching. The first is literally what we call the Thrive Factor Experience, access to the assessment detail personalized report and then a one on one session with me to meet your Archetypes so you can understand them in more detail. I tend to find that people report back that this is so valuable to be able to have a conversation with me in a coaching style around their Archetypes and knowing themselves through this lens.
Shannon Dunn 05:11
And the second one is what we call the Thrive Factor Experience Amplified, which is a three session experience. You get everything included in the general Thrive Factor experience. But across those three sessions, the first session of coaching we meet your Archetypes together. The second session, we look at the interactions between the Archetype so this could be second or third session to be honest, I’m very open to you being in charge of what you want to work on and focus on in coaching no matter what kind of coaching it is. And then the other session that we have to look at is your life or business or career through the lens of the Archetypes. So while I’m predominantly work in the space of business and with business leaders and self-led souls, I am certainly more than happy and very capable of being able to talk to you about your Archetypes through the lens of life, or your career if that’s where you’re at.
Shannon Dunn 06:03
Okay. Today’s Archetypes are so ready to be shared. Our focus for today are the Archetypes of the Visionary Creator and the Heroine Adventurer. Now in my experience of profiling thousands of incredible women across the world, these are two of the rare Archetypes that we see show up. Now I also want to add here that the predominant group of women that I have profiled have been women in business. That may be an influence on these Archetypes being rarer in the profiling with experience. But even with the Thrive Factor Coaches, they’re not seeing and these individuals profiling women in different spaces that are not in business necessarily. They’re not seeing Visionary Creator and Heroine Adventurer show up anymore.
Shannon Dunn 06:50
So I think that’s an interesting thing. And it felt just kind of the right thing to put them together. So the reality is, as a fact, personally, I’ve profiled I would say less than 30 women with a Visionary Creator Archetype, a tiny percentage of the overall number of women that I’ve profiled and worked with. It’s actually one of my four, and it took me a while to recognize its rarity. I love having it. But it’s not always been easy to understand the parts of what the Visionary Creator offers, and harness all of the wisdom that she also has to offer. And the Heroine Adventurer is also, as I said, less commonly seen in profiles, but I do see it more than the visionary creator. Anyway, let’s get talking about the super powerful Archetypes, we will start with the Visionary Creator. So if you have the Visionary Creator as part of your Thrive Factor, or you’re interested in this Archetype, as I share her with you, I should say, now that she is the future creatrix. There are always clues to what the archetypes are about in the names of the Archetype.
Shannon Dunn 07:54
So as I share with you, the Visionary Creator and the Heroine Adventurer today, see if you can kind of pick up on the themes and the things I’m sharing with you around these Archetypes and how it links back to their names. As a Visionary Creator, your gift is foresight and creative vision. So it’s essential that you share this with others with clarity and enthusiasm, because that will really also generate magnetism. So key things to remember about the Visionary Creator, this is an Archetype that is creative and tends to have incredible artistic skill. She may not have recognized that yet, but she will be have had an interest in artistic pursuits. She is strategic, she’s business focused, she’s very entrepreneurial. This would be the one Archetype for me that stands out as being more interested in being in business and entrepreneurial, which I find interesting. As I said, hasn’t shown up commonly in the business space in which I spend most of my time.
Shannon Dunn 08:51
She’s a big picture, global thinker, a dreamer, she sees beyond what’s visible. What I want to add to that, now is this misconception when people hear me talk about her ability to see the visionary aspect of the Visionary Creator< Her being like a seer, if you understand what a seer is. People think it means that there’s a clairvoyance involved with the Visionary Creator. And it’s not clairvoyance in the traditional sense. But to give you an example, from my own personal experience having this Archetype. I have dreams at different times. I literally can see things when I’m working with clients from a business perspective. And maybe we’re working on a program you’re going to launch content, naming things, even right down to you know, what are you going to call yourself and define yourself and your brand positioning and language.
Shannon Dunn 09:44
I often will get it’s almost like in behind my eyes, like a typewriter going off and I see words come to life. That’s part of how my Visionary Creator shows up and sees beyond what’s visible. So is not on a page, its not in, you know something that a client share with me I get these very strong intuitive insights with a crystal clear I literally see things as they are, but it’s very different to my understanding of clairvoyance. The thing that comes with this Archetype is it’s also an Archetype that is intuitive and deeply feeling. And she is able to trust what she sees and senses in a way that others can find interesting – challenging even. Because, again, I can talk from my own experience having this Archetype from a lived experience. I don’t question what I see and what I sense, I know without question, that it’s possible. And that also brings its own inherent challenges, because sometimes I get very frustrated, backed up by the frustrated energy of my Liberator Engineer, which is an Archetype, I’m still yet to introduce you to, who are sitting in that space of what if I can see and sense that this is possible, why can’t it happen now. So impatience is actually the key shadow of the Visionary Creator.
Shannon Dunn 11:04
Other things to know about this Archetype. She’s wise, naturally knowledgeable and capable, she gets things quickly from an intellect perspective. As I said, she does trust her inner knowing, but can always amplify or learn to trust that even more, and she can generate crystal clear clarity for herself and others. I know that having this Archetype has been a big plus for many of my business coaching clients over a long period of time. If people are not yet working with me as business coaching clients, and they hear about the Visionary Creator know that I have that I’ve frequently had people say to me, you know, that was knowing you had that Archetype and hearing you talk about it and hearing your clients talk about what they have experienced with the fact that you have the Visionary Creator, has definitely made me so clear that I want to work with you, which, again, took me a long time to kind of take that on board. And now I can say how excited I am that people want to tap into that Visionary Creator aspect.
Shannon Dunn 12:04
I will also add, though, I’ve had many fun, funny, interesting experiences over the years with someone say, for example, at an event or some of the big speaking that I’ve done, where I in talking to a large room, large audience, and I am doing a high level introduction to all 12 Archetypes and some of the things I share about the Visionary Creator. And I’ll always have one – usually more than one person – come up to me at some point in time and say, I just want to run something by you. And can you just like, check in with the Visionary Creator and see if it’s as possible. It doesn’t happen like that. I can’t necessarily just turn it on in an instant. But when she shows up, she shows up with so much power and so much clarity and so much knowing that and I don’t hold back, I will share what I see is possible, and talk through with my client, whether that’s something they’re interested in pursuing, and what that may look like in terms of the how that could come together, tap into their purpose and what is possible with that. And there is never any guarantee because as I said, I don’t get timelines with my visions as a Visionary Creator.
Shannon Dunn 13:05
Anyway, let’s go on to the summary of the four M’s of momentum; mindset, marketing, money and magnetism for the Visionary Creator. So mindset, this is an Archetype that’s a big dreamer, big picture woman with bold ideas and forward thinking approach to everything she does and everything she believes in. She is creative, and will do well to learn that her self expression. So her form of creativity, whatever that is, will keep her vision clear and open. So for me, I am a painter, I’m a writer, I love to dabble in some craft. But from an artistic skill perspective, painting and writing have been my main things throughout my life, when I am welcoming in creative sessions as frequently as possible, ideally, a painting session a week, minimum. It’s incredible the power behind my Visionary Creator, saying that – I forget that. So you can have these gifts and have these abilities, it doesn’t mean that you’re always tied into being able to actually bring them to life easily.
Shannon Dunn 14:06
From a marketing perspective, for the Visionary Creator, it’s about sharing what she sees and knows as possible. It’s about daring to dream, believing in the impossible, and creating engagement by showing the rest of the community that you have around you how it’s possible. Yeah, I literally think about my content creation as like painting – visually and with words – painting a picture or a vision that we can engage with and buy into and follow. Because sharing the clarity of vision that it comes with a Visionary Creator holding a space for others to understand that forward thinking and creativity is such an asset and one that others will want to engage in. So using that in your marketing is so important.
Shannon Dunn 14:50
From a money perspective, the value when it comes to Visionary Creators comes with the vision and the ability to create so it’s imperative that a Visionary Creator own the value of what she’s creating, which she can do effortlessly when she lets herself sink into her wisdom and intuition, which I will refer to as her knowing. Creativity as I’ve already shared is key to money flow. Like it’s key to everything. So it’s key to money flow, wealth, creation, and a mindset of abundance. So creating and expressing as often as possible in many different ways in ways that really nourish and energize a Visionary Creator is so important.
Shannon Dunn 15:26
From a magnetism perspective, wisdom creates her appeal, so does her ability to see for herself and others and then to show them the way. Where I have found this interesting from my own perspective is in the way that I think and see and feel about things is often ahead of its time. You may remember from the last one of the episodes in this series, I talked about the Pioneer Seeker being very innovative and disruptive, and again, not thinking and feeling like the masses. The Visionary Creator shares that with her, but it’s in a different kind of a way, rather than being an innovator and a disruptor, the Visionary Creator is future thinking and forward focused, and can find the current present time quite challenging to be in because she just can’t see why we can’t bring the future to the present in a much faster way. They said the Visionary Creator can create compulsively, so allowing yourself to be the conduit between the future and the present and a guide and seer is so important.
Shannon Dunn 16:24
And a magnetism really comes with the way that she shares her clear vision and guides others to connect with theirs. The creativity, love of colour will also draw people to a Visionary Creator. I’m yet to find a Visionary Creator that hasn’t had bold colour and design in what they you know, put out in the world from a brand perspective in business.
Shannon Dunn 16:44
The key activation question for the Visionary Creator, so this is something to ask her to really connect in with her gifts and her strengths.
Shannon Dunn 16:52
Where am I not expressing myself creatively and trusting this strong sense of possibility I have? So let me repeat that for you. The question, the activation question is Where am I not expressing myself creatively, and trusting the strong sense of possibility I have?
Shannon Dunn 17:07
The profitable wisdom focus for the Visionary Creator really comes down to anything that gives you a chance to support and guide others to connect to their future and embody it in the present moment, is so powerful. When you show them how to see what’s possible and co-create the path for them to bring the future into this present time, it changes lives. It does. I have witnessed this time and time again, in the work that I do with my clients, because you are the visionary with this Archetype. And you’re here to create original things also. As I said the Pioneer Seeker is the innovator and the disruptor. She’s not the creator of originality. The Visionary Creator is. Took me a long time to grasp that one. But I can 100% say that the Visionary Creator, is the key Archetype behind me creating the Thrive Factor framework, which is, yes, it’s not the first Archetypal framework in the world, but it’s unique in its creation, and the coaching methodology that goes along with it, and very much my original creation.
Shannon Dunn 18:07
This is also an Archetype that you can walk between worlds and have a gift for that clarity of vision for others to scale, like on a scale akin to a shaman. Now, if you don’t know what a shaman is, I would encourage you to listen for a moment as I share what that is because it’s often viewed as – and correctly so – as a medicine man or woman, no medicine soul, often in very much indigenous cultures, ancient cultures. But it’s really important to understand the shamanic energy of the Visionary Creator is really in, from my learning about shamanism, which I learned a lot about it when I studied transpersonal art therapy. It’s being a guide to support another or others, to journey to a future place and time, to tap into their own innate wisdom and resources, to be able to bring them back into the present moment to help them to move forward.
Shannon Dunn 19:03
That is the shamanic energy that comes with the Visionary Creator. And I’m speaking from experience with this. If you feel that you have this Archetype, don’t be fearful to share this. Because of that word and your ability or inability to know how you know things. To a lot of people, you are a breath of fresh air that others crave and the desire for certainty is where you can lead the way by walking with them to connect to their own truth and, and vision and wisdom and strategy. There’s a lot of strategy involved with the Visionary Creator Archetype too.
Shannon Dunn 19:39
From a content ideas perspective, anything that is aligned with your products and services where you can demonstrate your creative process, your big picture thinking and being and how you turn things from concept into reality is such a great thing to focus on from a content perspective, and its content that people are interested in.
Shannon Dunn 19:57
Potential challenges that come up with the Visionary Creator – patience. I mentioned this already. Rushing instead of trusting. Being busy and not allowing the vision to become clear. Losing faith when it doesn’t happen fast enough. And mistrust of the powerful gift of vision and connection to the future, and the knowing of what’s possible.
Shannon Dunn 20:15
Fears that are related to the Visionary Creator, come in as two or three different key ones.
Shannon Dunn 20:21
I won’t have enough time to create my vision as reality.
Shannon Dunn 20:24
What if what I see as possible isn’t really possible.
Shannon Dunn 20:28
And I’m not that unique.
Shannon Dunn 20:30
Yeah, they’re often fears that are very strong within the Visionary Creator. So things to be generally mindful for Visionary Creators. You can 100% see what’s possible in the future, believing it is also possible now, and that you don’t have to wait necessarily to take action on it is something that you want to really harness and understand. While patience can be a challenge, embodying the gift of journeying with others to their future success is happening in every moment. So it’s all unfolding as it’s meant to. So celebrate that.
Shannon Dunn 21:04
Your creative expression is your path to greater trust in knowing what is possible and believing it will be reality. And you are strategic in the best possible way. Strategy can be looked at, particularly in the business world as a good thing or a bad thing. There are some different trends out there where strategy is ignored, other trends where it’s all about strategy and nothing else. But strategy is incredibly important. So being able to own how strategic you are innately, and using that strategy to bring your own visions to life and support others to do so, is such a gift for yourself and everyone around you.
Shannon Dunn 21:41
There are, as with every Archetype, a number of strengths that you can tap into. And I’m a big encourager and cheerleader for tapping into your strengths, from an Archetypal perspective as often as possible. So choose, for example, one of the many strengths I’m going to share with you in a list in a moment, and tap into one each day.
Shannon Dunn 22:02
So first up, and these are in no particular order. And this is also not an exhaustive list. These are the just the key strengths for you to be mindful of as a Visionary Creator.
Shannon Dunn 22:10
Your clear, powerful knowing of what’s possible for self and others, such as strength.
Shannon Dunn 22:15
Your ability to create, so artistic and creative play with no obvious purpose is the best for you. That creating and creative expression is grounding and nourishing in so many ways, and will just make such a difference to your life and how you feel about yourself in the world. And what you’re actually creating.
Shannon Dunn 22:33
You have a strength with an ability to dream and to dream big. As I said, this is a big picture Archetype. Being able to see into their different realms and different parts of what’s possible, in a very futuristic way, is something to tap into as often as you can. Another strength, your innate strategic way of doing everything I’ve mentioned strategy already.
Shannon Dunn 22:54
Your business mind is unrivaled. So tap into it in your work, in your business, in your life, in your career, whatever that is, you have a natural entrepreneurial, business mindset. So use it.
Shannon Dunn 23:08
Ability to connect to the future with the present is innate and valued by so many. So again, use it and share it. Don’t be afraid to tell people what you could see as possible. Now I can’t imagine someone’s going to come back, well, maybe they will, but let’s believe they won’t, come back at some time in the future, and say You said this might happen or you said you could sense this was coming and tell you it didn’t. Because we don’t actually know exactly what’s coming. But your sense of what’s possible is so intriguing and such a part of your gifts. So use it. I’m talking to myself here, don’t you worry.
Shannon Dunn 23:41
Creativity is a form of bringing visions and dreams to life and with the ability that you have to access the infinite solutions. As forward is such a possibility. So use that.
Shannon Dunn 23:53
You know how to redefine creativity for the masses. You can trust in what you see and sense.
Shannon Dunn 23:59
You have, and that is another strength, an ability to expand your trust in any way. Such an important thing to invest time in that trust relationship. You spend time in places where you can create an experience spaciousness as this amplifies your vision. And also understand your role as a guide and mentor, an ability for connecting the future with the present for both yourself and others. Because it’s a strength that you can benefit from and so will other people in your world.
Shannon Dunn 24:27
So afformations. If you’ve listened to some of the other Archetypal Business Insights series episodes, you will have heard me share afformations. These are different to affirmations, which are a statement of what you want to be possible. Afformations turns those kinds of statements into questions and taps into a different part of our brain and the best of our neuroscience. So these are questions specifically created for the Visionary Creator.
Shannon Dunn 24:54
- What if it is safe for me to trust my vision.
- Imagine it’s safe for me to trust my creations.
- Imagine it’s safe for me to trust that my creations will also create profound impact.
- What if thinking and seeing into the future was a significant part of my value?
- What if I had the gift of bringing the future to the present in a powerful way?
- Imagine if my innate creativity was what grounded me.
- Imagine I could turn my visions into reality.
- What if the bigger I dream, the better everything is?
- Imagine if my gift of journeying beyond the present was something valued and trusted?
- What if I could rely on the strategic way I think, feel, respond and act.
- Imagine if I could ground in my vision and dreams and turn them into reality anytime I choose.
- What if there was an abundance of time to create my vision and everything was unfolding in divine right timing.
Shannon Dunn 26:08
The Archetypal success pathway for a Visionary Creator, it comes when you activate and amplify thriving, when you embody your Thrive Factor success pathway of self expression. As a futuristic thinker and voracious creator, you’re a soul with a gift of connecting others to their innate resources in an embodied way so that they can do something with their genius. And you filter everything through the lens of your vision. When you deny your unique ability to see and sense what’s possible, you can lose trust in yourself and others and feel like you want to escape to an alternate dimension.
Shannon Dunn 26:46
You want to activate creative expression in any form that you love on a frequent basis as this will ground you into the present so you can activate your own genius and bring your vision to life. And the Visionary Creator truly thrives when she gives herself the space to dream, to create, to trust, to see what’s actually possible, so she can share her vision with clarity with the world.
Shannon Dunn 27:09
Okay, activating your Effortless Success Zone. Here’s my list of some things to do less often. Some things to do more of to wrap up for the visionary creator.
Shannon Dunn 27:18
Do less of being dismissive of others smaller goals. That is something that Visionary Creators do. It’s not necessarily that they’re putting down other people’s goals that are smaller than their own. But their ability to have such a big, bold out there, often very untenable for others to grasp, goal or vision is so far removed from what kind of every day people focus on in terms of goals, which for them would be very big. So it’s a something I know I’ve had to be mindful of in my coaching. I’m not going to ever dismiss someone’s goals. But there are times where my Visionary Creator on the inner, my inner talk or my inner chat is saying “is that it” like “is that all we’re aiming for”. So just being mindful of that is important.
Shannon Dunn 28:03
Do less of believing your strategic side is all there is. Or being in the patriarchal hustle, this is an Archetype that kind of overhustle with that creator, like doing doing doing. And do less of ignoring your compulsion to create just for the sake of creating. Channel your creativity towards your vision.
Shannon Dunn 28:20
To activate your Effortless Success Zone as a Visionary Creator, you want to do more of creating for the sake of self expression. So, free play with creativity, trusting in your vision, so it’s clarity can amplify, remembering that you can also manifest. You may remember me talking or sharing the Shapeshifter Alchemist with you and her incredible gift for manifesting. The Visionary Creator was the other Archetype with an innate gift for manifesting. We can all manifest. That’s not what I’m suggesting here that other Archetypes can’t. But the way that it happens so effortlessly for a Shapeshifter Alchemist, and almost as effortlessly for a Visionary Creator is something to be mindful of. Also, you want to do more of owning your original thoughts and creations and just building that relationship with trust.
Shannon Dunn 29:08
So the Visionary Creator Archetype is one that I find, while it’s not showing up frequently in the profiles of women that I have profiled over many years now. it’s an Archetype that a lot of women think that they have. They don’t necessarily once we actually do your profiling, and we often come to find that you have the Shapeshifter Alchemist and Mentor Teacher. So what I’ve come to understand in the actually only in the last few years, is that the combination of those two Archetypes together can have similar traits then when they’re combined as the Visionary Creator. So this is why you as an individual, not having maybe profiled yourself, and listening to me share or reading about the Visionary Creator may feel that you have that Archetype but you might not necessarily
Shannon Dunn 29:57
Let’s move on to the Heroine Adventurer – the determined achiever. The biggest gift, this Archetype comes through recognizing that self love is her primary target and greatest need. So things to remember about the Heroine Adventurer – she’s fearless, she’s a risk taker. She’s a defender of the underprivileged, fiercely loyal. She often focuses on causes that are related to women and children. And what I’m seeing and sensing more so these days, is also animals because nature is such an important thing for the Heroine Adventurer.
Shannon Dunn 30:32
She is probably of all the Archetypes, the most independent, determined and focused. She’s physically strong and athletic, she needs to do something physical actually, to balance her energy. So she loves the outdoors, nature, and the wilderness, the wild kind of parts of the world. Spending time in those places is incredibly important for this Archetype.
Shannon Dunn 30:54
She is competitive, often mostly with herself. And it’s not uncommon when I share the competitive expression of the Heroine Adventurer, that some Heroine Adventurer women will deny their competition because they don’t like the thought of others thinking or perceiving that they’re competitive. And mostly, you see yourself as competitive with yourself, with your own goals achievements. You’re always kind of looking for more wanting to win. But that can be perceived to on the outside by the rest of us as you being just competitive in general.
Shannon Dunn 31:26
It really is best for you to use nature to ground your self care, because it’s an essential and also a self love practice. Nature is your tonic to balancing everything in your life. And this is an Archetype that can easily become unbalanced with her focus on what she’s decided she needs to achieve. She loves animals and often has, or wants, to have a dog as a pet. If she’s living in a situation where she’s unable to have a dog of any size, then really its just having animals in her life is incredibly important, but usually tends to be dogs. My thoughts or theory behind that is that having a dog as a pet where the dogs need to get out and be walked outside is a great innate kind of gift that a Heroine Adventurer is giving herself that she’s got to get out in nature with her pet, which is lovely.
Shannon Dunn 32:32
The four M’s of momentum, mindset marketing money and magnetism. The mindset reflections for the Heroine Adventurer. She is adventurous, curious, she’s fair, she’s loyal, she’s focused, determined beyond belief. She is a wild woman in many regards, and that wild woman energy can often be denied but it’s so important for her to connect with that and express it. As I said, you’re so competitive you want to remember to choose your own adventure though and stay connected to the earth. Because nature does ground you that’s going to support you from that mindset perspective.
When it comes to marketing, you connect with the less fortunate and resonate understanding with those individuals. You also want to ask questions, engage with curiosity, be inquisitive is a key for you, and reminds you to invest in the wider picture, not the narrow tunnel vision that you can be prone to take. You also want to share your adventurous side and take us on a heroine filled journey to arrive at a destination where we can create our own success. You being our guide with that.
From a money perspective, you’re competitive and will invest to win or to understand. Recognize that understanding beats competition every time, so be considerate with your investments as opposed to being driven just to win. You want to take the blinkers off so that you can see the bigger picture before making a money leap or taking a money leap. You’re super focused nature can make you overly focus on the little details. So again, take the wider view when it comes to things to do with money and the money aspects of your adventures.
From a magnetism perspective, your loyalty is addictive to others who will value knowing that you care. So show your loyalty and how fiercely focused you can be. And this will draw others to you who equally want and love that your fierceness and determination. Even if it’s not something that they have, they will be drawn to those attributes that you have within you. Your magnetism starts and ends with your adventurous nature. 100%, so take us on an adventure with you. You know we’ll be drawn to your spirit and to what you’re doing and fascinated with how you’re engaging with the world.
An activation question for the Heroine Adventurer is how am I not taking care of myself and giving myself love right now. This is an Archetype that can often be so focused on what she is achieving, that she dismisses taking care of herself. So that’s why self love comes up a lot. Self care comes a lot up for this Archetype so that she’s reminded to get back to often what she would say is her kind of gentle feminine side, which she doesn’t necessarily rate as being a value but it is so valuable.
From a profitable wisdom focus, take us again, take us on the adventure with you. You have a gift for guidance and with your focus can create opportunities for others to achieve their goals, their dreams and their desires. You are determined and able to concentrate on the ultimate goal and can be a role model for others desiring to do the same. As you learn the importance of grounding and being in nature, this can add a new dimension to your appeal to the outside world and therefore your client community. You’re a champion for causes to women and children. So look to that for your motivating focus in business.
Content ideas for Heroine Adventurer really comes down to anything that’s aligned with your products and services where you can demonstrate your adventure and how you focus your resources and energies to get results. Show us. Give us an insight into how you do what you do, how you achieve what you achieve – very appealing to others.
Shannon Dunn 35:50
Potential challenge that comes up for the Heroine Adventurer . Your fierce focus can often be to the detriment of all else, as I say have already briefly mentioned a lack of self care, reluctance to do regular things because they seem too easy and pose no challenge. This is an Archetype that likes to be challenged. Being competitive, having no time in nature. I will often say to a Heroine Adventurer. Go outside at least once a day with bare feet and put your feet in the Earth somehow in water, on grass, on the soil, whatever it is – hug a tree even. I had a fabulous friend of mine staying with me earlier this year, who was a Heroine Adventurer . And I took her up to our main kind of botanical park in the city, because I knew that she just loved it so much and beautiful views with the nature all around. And we took some fun photos of her hair and adventure hugging some of the incredible trees that were there. It was lots of fun. And she loved that being able to be grounded back in nature took her shoes off, naturally walking around everywhere, lots of tree hugging was going on.
Also potential challenges come with not celebrating the wins that you do accomplish because you’re too fast to move forward on to the next focus and the next thing and the next win. Pause and give yourself a chance to celebrate and to really acknowledge what you’ve already achieved.
Fears for the Heroine Adventurer – I won’t achieve my goals. What if I’m not success? What if I don’t win. Things to be really mindful of with this Archetype.
Other things to be generally mindful of is you know, that you can stop at nothing to achieve your desires or goals or focus or outcomes or whatever words that you use. You can be so focused and move at such a fast pace that the world around you just kind of gets ignored. And you can expect money to come as fast as you move and when it doesn’t you can abandon what you’re doing leading to low or no sales. It’s purely a business focus one there.
Okay, strengths of the Heroine Adventurer to tap into on a regular basis. Immerse yourself in nature daily if you can. As I said, this grounds you and balances you, it’s such a valuable thing. Spend time with animals. If you don’t have a pet, and it’s not possible for you to have one or more pets, because Heroine Adventurers often have more than one, then go and find friends or ways to connect with animals.
I have seen Heroine Adventurers particularly they also have the Advocate Rescuer Archetype, often volunteer that time to help out let’s say an animal shelter or like be a dog walker or you know how sick pets are different things, all kinds of different ways that they can do that. But spending time with animals. And then getting out in nature is such an important thing for you to do.
Enjoy the experience that you’re in instead of focusing on the end result. Celebrate the experience instead of moving on to the next goal. Be realistic and stretching with your focuses but don’t set yourself up with a whole lot of self sabotage by being so unrealistic as to your goal and your focus being where you want to be compared to where you are now.
Stick with things even though you might not accomplish them. You know you’re super tenacious. Take that on board and really in engage with it. Take up hobbies that are focused on rest and energizing yourself, instead of depleting activities which is usually what you would do naturally. Remember your power and share it abundantly so others can also feel the sense of achievement. Lead by example as a role model particularly for women and children in your life. support women’s and children’s causes. If that resonates with you go on an unplanned adventure, your adventurous spirit will be all that for that. And rest. We can make rest your priority in your days, your weeks, your months, your years.
Afformations for the Heroine Adventurer .
- What if it’s safe for me to be part of a team working together to achieve.
- Imagine it’s safe for me to fail?
- What if being feminine and gentle was also safe for me?
- Imagine if I could let go of competition and the need to achieve.
- What if I found wisdom within my perceived and real failures.
- Imagine if being a woman and showing my femininity and gentleness was actually a superpower.
- What if I could let go of the outcome?
- Imagine if I celebrated with every step of the journey and adventure.
- What if my love of adventure was balancing and self care?
- What if I let go of intensity and celebrated every win big or small?
The Archetypal Success Pathway for the Heroine Adventurer, she activates and amplifies thriving when she embodies her Thrive Factor success pathway of self love. As an achievement led soul she filters, or you filter, everything through the lens of your need for adventure and challenge. You’re determined, focused, independent, can be fierce in the pursuit of what you want. And with this, you can deny yourself the gift of gentleness, of nurturing, of nourishment and self care.
You want to activate self love daily for the busyness of doing and achieving comes naturally but balancing this was rest and heart nurturing activity isn’t as naturally occurring as it could be for most Heroine Adventurers. You truly thrive when you give yourself the softness, the self love and self care that you can be misguided to feel as an interruption to focusing your determination and your need to achieve.
Okay to activate your Effortless Success Zone, you want to do less of abandoning things that can get in the way of your goals. That can also come down to your family and friends and other things. You want to do less of being too fiercely focused, you want do less of giving yourself a hard time when you don’t achieve and just less pushing.
Do more of spending time in nature, engaging with grounding practices you love, aligned with causes supporting women and children. Be open, celebrate yourself, allow in and welcome in more flow.
Well Heroine Adventurer , that’s what you’re all about. Let’s move on to a wrap up for today because we are at the end of today’s episode nearly next week though, we have episode 50 called to be at that point a month ahead of our first birthday. I’ve been recording new episodes to share in the coming months as well as our first birthday celebration series. And I can assure you there are some phenomenal conversations, guests and topics coming in future episodes.
So if you’re not already an avid or regular listener of She Leads She Thrives, please come in now, hit that automatic download button, make time to come and listen to the regular episodes. You don’t have to listen to everything. I’m a realist when it comes to podcasts. I know that I listened to the things that feel most exciting and really draw me in as topics. And sometimes there are episodes for my favorite podcast that I just don’t listen to. But you know, if you resonate, you feel drawn to it – listen.
For today. And as always superstar wise soul, remember you were born to thrive. I completely, completely believe that. And follow your dreams, your visions, your ambition, your desire to lead your life in business with ease and spaciousness. You are already a leader in my eyes. A self led soul making waves creating impact and legacy. And I do believe this reality for you, for us all. And I also will say on a regular basis – know that if you don’t yet sense of possibility and potentiality all around you – I’ll hold that space for you. You’ve just heard about the visionary creditor and what I can hold there in that sense of vision. So know that it’s true when I say that.
Have the best week. Celebrate you, all you are, all you’re creating. all you’re sharing and keep shining and keep thriving. I’ll be back next week with our 50th episode.
Thank you
Thanks for tuning into today’s episode. You are so valued and appreciated.
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