I loved the conversation I had in a recent Thrive Factor live on Instagram with my client of 3+ years, Kerryn Slater.
Kerryn Slater, the Inspired Spiritual Alchemist, infuses her abundance of spiritual and psychic gifts with healing modalities and coaching expertise to create transformational experiences her clients value enthusiastically.
Kerryn is also a licensed Thrive Factor Coach® and I’m so proud to endorse her work supporting clients with the framework I created and envisaged others using to collaboratively activate thriving in their clients and themselves.
Kerryn is currently launching a new round of her program Awaken. It’s her 4 month immersive experience connecting women to the core of themselves to expand self love, self confidence and more. The next round starts 8/8/22. Check it out here
She has masterfully used the ideal Thrive Factor Archetypes of her favourite clients to welcome into the program to create magnetic content that’s so powerful and authentic.
She’s joined me to share more about how she’s done this & we talk about the magic of her Archetypes, becoming a Thrive Factor Coach® and the difference having a reliable system to support her to be more of who she is has built confidence, created clarity, redefined her business and the services she offers and let to more of her ideal clients showing up and paying to work with her from 1:1, to group programs to retreats and more!
The ultimate experience of being in her effortless success zone 🔥 connect with Kerryn on Instagram at @kerryn_holisticessentials_
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