Meeting fear with the Money Mindset mentor w/ Cristina Bold – She Leads She Thrives Podcast Episode 008

In this episode Cristina and I talk about Cristina Bold is like sunshine when she shows up in your social media feed because she radiates a genuine love for what she does and who she works with. In this episode, Cristina and Shannon talk about meeting your fear and rising to be the kind of soul… Continue reading Meeting fear with the Money Mindset mentor w/ Cristina Bold – She Leads She Thrives Podcast Episode 008

Content effortlessness by Thrive Factor Archetype

Every Thrive Factor Archetype has her own expression for everything in life and business. Her content is her way of communicating in business. The summary below taps you into the content themes for each of the 12 Thrive Factor Archetypes. When it comes to using these key content themes, think about the potential Archetypes of… Continue reading Content effortlessness by Thrive Factor Archetype

Need vs Choice; which is driving your business? – She Leads She Thrives Podcast Episode 007

In this new episode, Shannon explores what drives big decisions in business, like what to invest in. Inspired by a conversation between women in business, the key question explored is wether your decisions are being made from a place of need, that is driven by scarcity, lack and FOMO. Or are your big decisions, and… Continue reading Need vs Choice; which is driving your business? – She Leads She Thrives Podcast Episode 007

High End Brand Brilliance w/ Steph Zahalka – She Leads She Thrives Podcast Episode 006

In this episode Steph and I talk about Steph Zahalka has fast become one of my favourite Queen Rulers – one of her Thrive Factor Archetypes – and is the epitome of what Steph represents as a true brand expert and strategist. But with her own Steph twist!   Steph champions branding in such a… Continue reading High End Brand Brilliance w/ Steph Zahalka – She Leads She Thrives Podcast Episode 006

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