If you feel your marketing is not engaging your ideal clients then these 5 things could shake things up and bring some fresh new energy and consistency to your efforts.
1. Always honour how super important the message of yours is!
When I use the word message I mean a blend of what you stand for in the world, what’s most important to you AND how this intertwines with the needs and desires of your ideal clients.
You can call them your soul clients, your avatar, your dream community. Doesn’t matter what you call them (hello Ingenious Business Woman!), you know who they are.
They’re the people, the families, the organisations, the groups, the individuals who you would happily work with and have buy from you for ever.
They are magnetised to because of what matters to you. Let that – all of it – shine through in the way you communicate with them.
It’ll energise you AND it’ll magnetise them. Winning for everyone.
2. Reconnect with the desires of your ideal client.
One of the many old and outdated paradigms in business that is sadly still a focus for many business coaches and marketers, is an obsession with knowing your clients pain points.
What if your ideal community aren’t driven to move away from pain, discomfort, stuckness, overwhelm, challenge?
What if, instead, like you, they are drawn towards desires?
Desire marketing is not new. It is exciting for many people when they discover it though and that, I have an ongoing love affair with.
I have the Inspirer Believer Thrive Factor Archetype, as do 90% or more of my community. We are cheer leading, energy focused potentialists who thrive on the possibility and potentiality of desire. That inspires us and it motivates us to take action.
Be clear on who you’re talking to for sure. That’s marketing 101. Know their desires and talk directly to them.
It’ll totally energise you and increasingly has the potential to lead to phenomenal client relationships where outcomes achieved are sustainable.
How amazing would that be to talk about?
3. Define at least 5 tangible outcomes for your core services or products.
I call these benefits and writing them up is a simple art form anyone can learn. It is something I include in so many of my programs and teach all my private clients how to create them.
I do this because your community are not buying the how of what you have to offer them. They are buying the promise of the outcome available to them when they invest in your services, programs or products.
A benefit is always the promise that something will be different and, in most situations, better. It’s the measurable piece that demonstrates what your client will experience and what the result of that experience will be.
Not to be underestimated.
Marketing is full of features. Don’t be focused there. Infuse your content with benefits and you’ll turn up the energetic heat for everyone of your ideal community who sees what you share. So powerful.
This kind of content is game changing for you to create and your audience to read. If you want to know how to craft your own, I have a mini course on exactly how to and you can purchase it here.
4. Get clear on what consistency means to you and honour that.
I am a believer in consistency. I also believe that consistency is taught in a constrictive way in business.
Consistency should always be on your terms. Not on someone elses timeline, algorithm, methodology, strategy or structure.
What worked effortlessly for someone else – that they have now turned into a fail proof (their terms!) course or program – may be the complete opposite to what is right for you.
For example, each woman in the world has her own unique combination of Thrive Factor Archetypes. You do, I do, the next superstar does. They’re all influenced by belief systems, past experiences, paradigms, mindsets, behaviours and the list goes on. So no two women, even those with the exact same Archetypes, are going to have the same needs as her sisters.
Consistency by someone elses definition is not something to subscribe to. Let it go. Find your own groove and stick with it.
This is where your energy is amplified! Always
Oh, and another thing to remember on the topic of consistency. When your business is infused with what lights you up, it’s easy to be consistent. So easy you’ll wonder why it took you so long to let the other stuff go and get back to doing what feels good, energising and motivating for you.
5. Come back to why.
A simple one but one not to be missed. It all starts with why and your why is a transformational energising piece to come back to again and again and again.
Your why is the breathe and heartbeat of your business.
Disconnect from it and you can end up deflated, questioning, being distracted a bazillion times a day, creating and offering out of alignment products, programs and services, just because you can.
Keep your why alive and nourished and weave it’s elements into your content ALL the time.
It’ll keep you grounded and remembering what you are here for, even in the most challenging times.
A thriving business, with expanding profitability and none of the tiresome hustle? Totally achieveable
Business coaching with a proven, qualified coach is one of the most significant and rewarding investments you will make in yourself and your success.
With a focus on profitability, sustained effortlessness, growth without hustle and with decades of expertise to back up what I stand for, I adore working with wise, ambitious women who desire to do business differently.
On your terms. Honouring who you are and what you create in the world. Every step of the way. Reach out to find out what’s available right now.
Thriving is 100% in your future. Rewards are a result of action!